How to mine Bitcoin Cash
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) appeared as a hard fork of the prime crypto currency Bitcoin. Today, we want to show you how to mine BCH and gain profit. Below you will find a list of key points which we’re going to cover: …more
- Best Mining Hardware for Bitcoin Cash
- Hardware and Software Configuration
- Recommended Mining pool
Cloud mining is another way of obtaining Bitcoin Cash, without the need for buying hardware and configuring it. We are going to review it later in our cloud mining section.
Why you should mine the Bitcoin Cash?
Bitcoin Cash (BCH) is the forth cryptocurrency by market capitalization and it is a newer altcoin, compared to Litecoin and Ethereum. Considering the upgrades to the algorithm, namely the larger block size, it’s an interesting opportunity, for anyone looking for more transaction verifications and in turn, frequent mining profits. Currently, Bitcoin (BTC) and Bitcoin Cash (BCH) share almost the same profitability, based on current market prices. According to experts however, Bitcoin is getting harder to mine and less worthwhile. As such, BCH offers a better alternative. Should you decide to jump down the rabbit hole and start mining, you can calculate your potential profits with the help of our Bitcoin Cash mining calculator. All you need to enter is the power consumption and the hash rate produced by your equipment. The prices of the cryptocurrencies are volatile, and you need to keep that in mind when you are calculating your profitability.
Best way to mine Bitcoin Cash
BCH, like Bitcoin, uses the same proof-of-work consensus and algorithm (SHA-256). You can mine it with GPUs and CPUs, but the difficulty of the network makes them unable to compete with powerful ASIC machines. These Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) are specialized for mining a particular algorithm, in this case – SHA-256. Their hash rate and power efficiency allow you to achieve the highest profitability. They have preinstalled software, which you would need to configure, and you are ready to make some money.
Another important tip when speaking of the best way to mine Bitcoin Cash, is to join a mining pool. Doing so, would help you enjoy a more stable income, with higher certainty and proportional rewards, based on your efforts.
What do you need to start mining Bitcoin Cash?
As we have already noted, you need to buy yourself an ASIC machine to be profitable when mining for Bitcoin Cash. One miner alone is enough to accomplish this task, however, investing in more would mean higher profits and faster ROI. Your connection to the Internet should be stable, with low latency, as to ensure you’re always connected to the blockchain and report found blocks asap. It would be great to have unlimited internet traffic because, on average, a miner consumes 500mb per month. Regarding electric capacity, you should consider the power consumption of the devices. To manage your coins, you must have a Bitcoin Cash wallet.
Here is summarized list of the requirements below:
- Mining Hardware (SHA-256 ASIC)
- 24/7 Internet connection with at least 1MB/s up and down stream
- A Bitcoin Cash Wallet to receive your mined Coins
What else you need to consider?
So far so good, but have in mind the fact, that BCH is mined with ASICs and those machines consume large amounts of electricity and generate a lot of heat. Think in advance where you would place your equipment, as you’ll need to consider the following:
- Power consumption and capacity of your power distribution
- Cooling and Ventilation – to keep your devices safe and efficient, you need proper airflow to dissipate heat
- Noise – the Fans run full speed and are very loud
Which Bitcoin Cash Mining Hardware to buy?
We have mentioned, that Bitcoin Cash is using the SHA-256 algorithm. Most recent ASIC miners developed for it, like Antminer S7 or S9, produce a hash rate over 10 TH/s and consume around 1300 watts per hour. You need only the device and a power supply for it. The ASIC miner for Bitcoin Cash can be used for mining Bitcoin as well, since both coins share the same core algorithm.
Here are few parameters, which you must take under consideration, when making the decision on which mining hardware to buy. We have gathered some of the best picks in the following table:
recommended bitcoin cash mining hardware
Bitmain – Antminer S9i

- 14.5 TH/s, 1320W
- 350mm(L) x 135mm(W) x 158mm(H)
Bitmain – Antminer T9

- 10.5 TH/s; 1400W
- 350mm(L) x 135mm(W) x 158mm(H)
By using our Bitcoin Cash mining calculator, you can calculate how many BCH coins you are going to mine for a certain period and how much money they are equal to. Keep in mind that your electricity bill will increase significantly, so always watch for the power consumption of your mining hardware.
When you know the key parameters of each miner, you can pick the right one for you. Once you’ve obtained your equipment, you can proceed with configuring it.
Software and hardware configuration
In this section we will go through all the steps of configuring your machine – from internet and electricity connection to choosing the best mining pool. This means entering the pool’s details into your hardware’s configuration page. Here is our Bitcoin Cash mining guide:
01. Connect your hardware to the electricity and internet
Connecting to the power grid and internet is easy. First you need to plug the ASIC miner to the power supply unit (PSU). Just put the cables coming from the PSU to the sockets of the hashing and control boards. Then connect the internet cable from your router to the LAN port of your ASIC device. Finally attach the PSU to the electricity network and your miner should be good to go.
Plug an internet cable into your RJ45’s designated standard port on your miner. -
02. Choose a mining pool
The next step you’d need to undertake would be to choose a Bitcoin Cash mining pool and partner with others. Pools find blocks faster and the earnings are split between all participants, depending on the reward system in place. You can find more information on the types of incomes distribution here. Another useful aspect is that some pools offer detailed performance statistics after you register, but most of them are anonymous and you can skip this step.
When you choose a BCH mining pool, take under consideration what the pool’s fee is and the reward system. You can review some of the largest ones with their key parameters in our table below:
Server locations:
.Reward system: PPLNSAverage fee: 0.0%Our choiceViaBTC
Server locations:
. .Reward system: PPS, PPLNSAverage fee:
Server locations:
. . .Reward system: FPPSAverage fee: 1.5%For detailed information about Bitcoin Cash mining pools, reward systems and payouts you can visit our mining pools page.
Pick your favorite pool and register an account with them if needed.
We have prepared a short guide of creating an account and setting up workers in Antpool:
After finishing with the account and worker creation you can proceed to pool configuration in your ASIC device.
03. Find out the IP-Address of your Bitcoin Cash Mining Hardware
To access the configuration of your mining hardware all you need is the IP address. Your Antminer device is configured by default to get an IP address from the DHCP server of your network, which is usually the internet router. Your next move is to discover the IP address, by logging into your router or scan the network to verify it. Another way to do that, is by downloading an IP Address reporting software from the manufacturer’s website. In our example, the Antminer device’s IP address is
04. Login the Web Interface of the Miner
Open your browser and enter the IP address of the ASIC to access the administrative Web interface. On the login page, enter the default user ID: root and default password: root.
Login Page The Login can be different for every manufacturer or model. Check the manual of your miner to find the right login credentials. After successfully logging in, click on the Miner Configuration page where you can enter the pool information.
05. Enter Mining Pool information’s
Its highly recommended to enter different pool URLs in all 3 sections, so you can use the failover function. The goal is to point your miner to another pool, if the current one is down or not responding. You can also use just one URL if you think the pool is stable and has no downtime. Below is the sample configuration of an Antpool:
pool url: stratum+tcp://
worker: yourusername.worker
password: Enter Password if needed, otherwise leave blank or enter 123
Settings window -
06. Click “Save & Apply”
The miner software will restart, and you can monitor its activity from the status page.
Checking configuration If you see accepted shares and actual hash rate, congratulations – you are mining now! And don’t worry, everything should be working properly.
Bitcoin Cash cloud mining
Cloud mining is the best alternative for people, who don`t want to buy equipment, search for a proper place to run it, set up cooling systems and pay electricity bills. You just need to create a wallet, which will help allow you to store, access and transfer coins. Last, but not least, sign a contract with the cloud mining provider of your choosing. To sum up the process:
- 01. Pick a mining algorithm
- 02. Choose a reputable cloud mining provider that supports said algorithm
- 03. Decide on how much hash power you want
- 04. Choose duration of the contract
Most popular providers are:
Bitcoin Cash Calculator
Our Bitcoin Cash mining calculator gives you information how profitable mining for BCH currently is. If you fill in the fields with the values for hash rate, power consumption, price per kw/h, you will receive details about how many BCH you will mine for a certain period and how much money they are equal to according to the current price.
For cloud mining, you should enter your hash rate and the pool’s fee to calculate the estimated earnings.
Disclaimer: The result is based on variables like current BCH mining difficulty, current block reward and current BCH price. The coin price can be highly volatile, so profitability can also get higher or lower.
How long does it take to mine 1 Bitcoin Cash?
It depends on the hardware you are about to buy and the hash rate you would be able to achieve.
How much you can mine at one day?
It depends on the ASIC hardware you chose. You can use our Bitcoin Cash mining calculator to determine that.
Can I mine with my iPhone?
It is possible but is not profitable and you risk the device overheating.
Is it possible to mine Bitcoin Cash with an Antminer S9?
Yes, the Antminer S9 is based on the SHA-256 algorithm and you can mine Bitcoin Cash with it.
Is it legal?
Yes, it is a legal process.
Where to get Bitcoin Cash mining software?
You don`t have to search for a software. The mining is performed with an ASIC device and the software is integrated into it.
Which Bitcoin Cash wallet to use?
Please visit our web page for detailed information about Bitcoin Cash wallets.
How to make your own pool?
Visit our guide for setting up your own mining pool for detailed information.
Which algorithm is used in Bitcoin Cash mining?
Bitcoin Cash is using SHA-256 hashing algorithm.
About Bitcoin Cash
Mining crypto coins is a process of solving complex mathematical calculations, using specialized hardware, for which each participating miner receives a reward. Currently the amount you will get in Bitcoin Cash is 12.5 BCH per block, including fees. The transaction of Bitcoin was very slow and very expensive. Some developers were not happy with it and wanted to update the code to increase the block size and number of transactions. Because of their disagreement the network was split into two different chains sharing the same algorithm. Bitcoin Cash (BCH) appeared as a hard fork of the prime crypto creator – the Bitcoin protocol, in August 2017. The name of the new project was given by a Chinese mining pool known as ViaBTC.
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